National Politics Presidential Election 2019 The circulation of Wiranto's News Arrest Makes Preparations for the Prime Presidential Debate So Lively

Jurnal Fakta. Towards the first debate of the presidential candidate circulating information about the issuance of Wiranto's detention order as an actor of human rights crimes by the UN court. Of course this has resulted in preparations for the initial debate in the 2019 presidential election to become even more festive.

Various criticisms from netizens regarding the news. Here's the news quote:

The UN-backed court issued a warrant for the arrest of General Wiranto for violations of human rights in East Timor in 1999. "The release of the order to arrest Wiranto was an important step in our ongoing efforts to try those responsible for violence against the civilian population of East Timor in 1999," said UN prosecutor Nicholas Koumjian in a statement released in East Timor, as reported by the Associated Press (AP) < / />> Monday (10 \ / 5 \ / 2004). This arrest warrant came out seven weeks after a special East Timor court accused Wiranto of being responsible for "murder, deportation and ill-treatment" in East Timor in 1999 where 1,500 people were killed. this arrest will be forwarded to Interpol. This means that Wiranto can be arrested if he leaves Indonesia and the Indonesian Government itself is not willing to cooperate with the UN-backed East Timor special court.

Meanwhile, Prabowo-Sandi's assertion confirmed that he was ready in connection with the preparations for the inaugural debate of the 2019 Presidential Election. Prabowo Subianto expressed a surprising declaration relating to human rights issues. Through his spokesperson, it is conveyed if he is elected as President to resolve human rights issues.

According to Dahnil Anzar Simanjuntak, the settlement of cases of human rights violations is one of the Prabowo-Sandi Candidates for the Vice-President Candidates.

"There are promises of commitment made by Mr. Prabowo and Sandi, namely to dare to resolve the issue of mastery of political bandits, including human rights violations," said Dahnil Anzar at a press conference held at Roemah Djoeang, Jalan Potogan, South Jakarta, on Friday, September 21, 2018 then.

Dahnil said, the Novel Baswedan case was written on the settlement target. Dahnil said, the clarity of the investigation into the case of hard watering to the senior observer of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was important, because all this time was neglected but seemed to be covered up, while Novel Baswedan was a law enforcer.

Dahnil confirmed the campaign promises of the Prabowo-Sandi couple to fight for a just and prosperous people. One of them is completing human rights cases in a complete manner and thwarting mafia-mafia human rights violations and economic destroyers. This was important for Prabowo so that he would not continue to be a scapegoat of human rights violations.

Dahnil stated that he did not get any court certainty or the law that proved his presidential candidate, Prabowo Subianto, was involved in violating human rights cases.
"I found the fact that he was a patriotic and loyal, when Prabowo was attacked, he was sincere," said Dahnil. It was also a point of consideration for Dahnil to accept the offer as a spokesman for Prabowo-Sandiaga.

In addition, Andre Rosiade Spokesperson Prabowo-Sandi explained, if Prabowo was ready to face the bluff of the incumbent's national campaign team vice chairman, who said the issue of kidnapping activists would be severely suppressed during the presidential election's first debate.

"There is no problem, just to answer it, the verdict of the military court has come out, Mr. Prabowo is innocent, if he is guilty he must have been punished." Andre said.

Then, Djoko Santoso, Chairman of BPN, Prabowo-Sandi, was also not worried if the issue of human rights would be the material for the incumbent to attack Prabowo Subianto.
"No (Worry-red), HAM is recycled, Previously when Pak Prabowo became his vice president Mrs. Megawati was not attacked, just escaped," concluded Djoko Santoso.


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