Two Finger Lifting Anies Checked Bawaslu Why South Sulawesi Governor Doesn't, What's With Bawaslu?

Lensa Faktual. The Pemili Supervisory Board is usually brief in Bawaslu, calling on Anies Baswedan, the Governor of DKI Jakarta, because of the alleged hiding campaign at the Gerindra National Conference last time.
Calling Anies to be examined by Bawaslu, this summons was carried out by a regional leader kissing and campaigning for a Prabowo-Sandi Pair in secret.

Then what about the regional head who campaigned in support of the Prabowo-Sandi couple.
DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan visited the Office of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of the Republic of Indonesia, Central Jakarta, Monday (01/07/2019).

The presence of Anies wanted to explain about the events that occurred during the Gerindra National conference, the problem of his campaign to support the Prabowo-Sandi pair, the conduct was carried out in the past on December 27, 2018.

In the event, he held up his thumb and index finger, as the symbol of candidate pair number 02, Prabowo Subianto and Sandiaga Uno.
Anies said he was actually summoned by the Bogor Election Supervisory Body. However, the examination was carried out at the Indonesian Bawaslu to make it easier.

"Called Bogor Election Supervisory Body. It's just being arranged by them in Jakarta so that it's easier, "Anies explained at the Bawaslu Office in Central Jakarta on Monday.

Previously, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan was reported to the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) for alleged covert campaigns.
The reporter is the National Guard for the People (GNR).

Anies Baswedan was accused of misusing his position as head of the region to campaign for one of the presidential and vice presidential candidates participating in the 2019 Election.
According to Article 281 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, regional heads are prohibited from using their office facilities to campaign.

While Paragraph 2 of the same article states, regional heads who wish to campaign must take leave if it is done on weekdays.
Article 547 of the Election Law also states that state officials make decisions or actions that benefit or harm one of the election participants during the campaign period.

The summon of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan by Bawaslu may be a concern for regional heads to be more careful in giving open support to candidates for President and Vice President 2019.
In South Sulawesi, South Sulawesi Governor Nurdin Abdullah gave support to the couple Joko Widodo-KH Maruf Amin.
On a number of occasions Nurdin Abdullah gave an open statement of support to the pair number 01.

Like when Nurdin Abdullah and a number of regional heads attended the inauguration of Galang Kemajuan (GK) Ladies volunteers in South Sulawesi.
GK Ladies South Sulawesi declared itself to win Jokowi-Ma'ruf in the 2019 Presidential Election (Pilpres) at the Claro Makassar Hotel, Jl AP Pettarani, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Saturday (11/24/208).

Present at this declaration of South Sulawesi Governor Prof. Nurdin Abdullah, Makassar Mayor Moh Ramadhan Pomanto, Palopo Mayor Judas Amir and Basmin elected Luwu Regent Mattayang.

"GK Jokowi Ladies will move and make a sound contribution to Jokowi-Ma’ruf in the upcoming 2019 Presidential Election," said Gk Ladies General Chairperson, Lana Koentjoro.
Lana Koentjoro revealed that GK Ladies had been formed in 24 Provinces. Especially in South Sulawesi, GK Ladies targets 50 percent of female voters to elect Jokowi-Ma'ruf.

"We will go to the field aiming to invite Indonesian women and hold activities related to women's welfare and promote the success of Jokowi," he said.
Two Finger Lifting Anies Checked Bawaslu Why South Sulawesi Governor Doesn't, What's With Bawaslu?

Ladies and Gentlemen Progress (GK) Ladies South Sulawesi declares itself to win Jokowi-Maufuf in the upcoming 2019 Presidential Election. They declared themselves at the Claro Hotel Makassar, Jl AP Pettarani, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Saturday (11/24/208).

The Chairperson of the Campaign Team of the Coalition of Supporting Parties The pair of Defense Forces Syamsul Bachri asserted Prof. Nurdin Abdullah, fully supporting the struggles of the Defense Team in South Sulawesi.
"He fully supports Mr Jokowi-Ma'ruf. He also gave this place (the home of Prof. Andalan's struggle) as the headquarters of the Jokowi-Maufuf team's struggle, "explained Syamsul Bachri, Wednesday (9/26/2018) night.

After the speech, Syamsul asked the Governor of South Sulawesi Prof. Nurdin Abdullah to inaugurate the former home of Prof. Andalan's struggle.

We were surprised at Bawaslu why the Governor of South Sulawesi was campaigning for partners from the defense camps not being investigated and processed, but the Governor of DKI Jakarta hanta photographed with his finger that gave the symbol of the Prabowo-Sandi pair by pointing two fingers, immediately called by Bawaslu.


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